姓 名:王晓通 性别:男 出生年月:1979.10,博士,二级教授,副院长 研究方向:贝类生理学与遗传育种、海洋生物资源开发利用 称号或荣誉:国家万人计划青年拔尖人才、泰山学者青年专家、山东省有突出贡献的中青年专家、山东省贝类产业技术体系岗位专家、山东省青年科技奖、国家级金桥奖、中国水产科学研究院科技奖 电子邮箱:wangxiaotong999@163.com 现授课程:水产动物育种学 简介:入选国家万人计划青年拔尖人才、泰山学者青年专家、山东省有突出贡献的中青年专家、山东省贝类产业技术体系育种岗位专家。发表学术论文70余篇,第一或通讯作者发表SCI论文50余篇(SCI二区或TOP以上论文30余篇),包含4篇共同第一作者,其中1篇共同第一作者论文在世界著名杂志Nature发表(是文章中两个主要科学问题之一-贝壳形成的负责人),第一或通讯作者发表中文核心期刊论文10余篇;第一发明人授权专利11项,其中发明专利5项,主编英文著作2部,主持国家、省部级科研项目10余项;育成长牡蛎“三黑”新品系并进行了海区推广养殖,进行了海胆引种驯化和鲍鱼新品种培育及杂交育种,筛选到多个扇贝抗病相关基因;兼任山东省科协常委、山东动物学会常务理事、上海海洋大学硕士生导师、广东海洋大学博士生导师;曾挂职乳山市副市长,发起和促成了中国牡蛎产业国际高峰论坛永久会址落户乳山和乳山牡蛎研究院成立等事宜;获山东省青年科技奖、国家级金桥奖、中国水产科学研究院科学技术奖、中国产学研合作创新奖、山东省自然科学学术创新奖和山东省海洋与渔业科学技术奖;主编英文著作2部,制定《乳山牡蛎》山东省地方标准1项;担任烟台市特色海洋生物开发利用工程实验室主任。相关成果如下: 1. 发表的部分论文列表 (1) Zhang G#*, X Fang#, X Guo#*, L Li#, R Luo#, F Xu#, P Yang#, L Zhang#, X Wang#(共同第一作者), H Qi, Z Xiong, H Que, Y Xie, P Holland, J Paps, Y Zhu, F Wu, Y Chen, J Wang, C Peng, J Meng, L Yang, J Liu, B Wen, N Zhang, Z Huang, Q Zhu, Y Feng, A Mount, D Hedgecock, Z Xu, Y Liu, T Domazet-Loso, Y Du, X Sun, S Zhang, B Liu, P Cheng, X Jiang, J Li, D Fan, W Wang, W Fu, T Wang, B Wang, J Zhang, Z Peng, Y Li, N Li, J Wang, M Chen, Y He, F Tan, X Song, Q Zheng, R Huang, H Yang, X Du, i Chen, M Yang, P Gaffney, S Wang, L Luo, Z She, Y Ming, W Huang, S Zhang, B Huang, Y Zhang, T Qu, P Ni, G Miao, J wang, Q Wang, C Steinberg, H Wang, N Li, L Qian, G Zhang, Y Li, H Yang, X Liu, J Wang, Y Yin*, J Wang. The oyster genome reveals stress adaptation and complexity of shell formation. Nature. 490 (7418): 49-54, 2012. (2) Lingling Li, Wenjuan Liu, Nini Fan, Fangshu Li, Baoyu Huang, Qian Liu, Xiaomei Wang, Yanxin Zheng, Xiuxiu Sang, Juan Dong, Xiaona Wang, Lei Wei, Yaqiong Liu, Meiwei Zhang, Jilv Ma, Jiwen Chen, Yitao Qi and Xiaotong Wang*(通讯作者). Scallop IKK1 Responds to Bacterial and Virus-Related Pathogen Stimulation and Interacts With MyD88 Adaptor of Toll-Like Receptor Pathway Signaling. (2022). Frontiers in Immunology. 2022. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2022.869845. (3) Wenjuan Liu, Fangshu Li, Jilv Ma, Jiwen Chen, Baoyu Huang, Lingling Li, Nini Fan, Xiaomei Wang, Yanxin Zheng, Xiaona Wang, Lei Wei, Yaqiong Liu, Meiwei Zhang, Fengchen Liu, Yitao Qi, Xiaotong Wang*(通讯作者). Scallop interferon regulatory factor 1 interacts with myeloid differentiation primary response protein 88 and is crucial for antiviral innate immunity. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2022, 222: 1250-1263. doi: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2022.09.248. (4) Hongce Song, Lei Wei, Mingyu Zhong, Xi Chen, Chaoyi Xie, Xiao Chen, Xiaona Wang, Baoyu Huang, Yaqiong Liu, Meiwei Zhang, YitaoQi, Xiaotong Wang*(通讯作者). (2021) Ambient ultraviolet B radiation induced valve behavioral acclimation of Pacific oyster which resulted from the different response strategies of smooth and striated adductor muscles. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoenv.2021.113035. (5) Qianqian Jin, Chuncao Huo, Wenhao Yang, Kaidi Jin, Shuai Cai, Yanxin Zheng, Baoyu Huang, Lei Wei, Meiwei Zhang, Yijing Han, Xuekai Zhang, Yaqiong Liu, and Xiaotong Wang*(通讯作者). Regulation of Tyrosinase Gene Expression by Retinoic Acid Pathway in the Pacific Oyster Crassostrea gigas. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2022. 2022, 23(21), 12840. (6) Xiuxiu Sang#, Juan Dong#, Fengmei Chen, Lei Wei, Yaqiong Liu, Meiwei Zhang, Baoyu Huang*, Xiaotong Wang*(通讯作者). Molecular cloning and immune function study of an oyster IκB gene in the NF-κB signaling pathway. Aquaculture. 2020, 525(735322): 1-8. (7) Jiao Wang#, ChangluWu#, Caili Xu,WenChao Yu, Zhuang Li, Yongchuan Li, Ting Guo, Xiaotong Wang⁎(通讯作者).Voltage-gated potassium ion channel may play a major role in the settlement of Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) larvae. Aquaculture, 2015, 442: 48–50. (8) Lingling Li, Wenjuan Liu, Fangshu Li, Baoyu Huang, Qian Liu, Xiaona Wang, Xiuxiu Sang, Juan Dong, Jilv Ma, Jiwen Chen, Lei Wei, Yaqiong Liu, Meiwei Zhang, Yijing Han, Xiaotong Wang*(通讯作者). (2022). Scallop NEMO interacts with IKK1 and regulates host innate immunity against PAMPs. (2022). Aquaculture. doi.org/10.1016/j.aquaculture.2022.738099. (9)Baoyu Huang, Juan Dong, Xiuxiu Sang, Lingling Li, Fangshu Li, Jilv Ma, Xiaona Wang, Xiaotong Wang*(通讯作者), Yongsheng Liu. A review on marine mollusk NF-κB/Rel studies in immunity and the characterization of a Chlamys farreri Rel gene. Aquaculture. 544, 2021, 737046. (10) Baoyu Huang, Xiuxiu Sang, Juan Dong, Lingling Li, Xiaona Wang, Baoju Yang, Lei Wei, Yaqiong Liu, Meiwei Zhang, Xiaotong Wang*(通讯作者). Oyster TBK1/IKKε responds to bacterial and viral challenges and participates in the innate immune signaling. Aquaculture. 2021. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aquaculture.2021.736276.中科院1区. (11)Xiaotong Wang#, Xiaorui Song#, Tong Wang, Qihui Zhu, Guoying Miao, Yuanxin Chen, Xiaodong Fang, Huayong Que, Li Li*, Guofan Zhang*. 2013. Evolution and functional analysis of the Pif97 gene of the Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas). Current Zoology. 59(1): 109-115. 中科院1区. (12) Yijing han, chaoyi xie, nini fan, hongce song, xiaomei wang, yanxin zheng, meiwei zhang, Yaqiong Liu, baoyu huang, Lei Wei and Xiaotong Wang*(通讯作者). Identification of melanin in the mantle of the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas. (2022). Frontiers in Marine Science. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2022.880337 (13) Kaidi Jin, Baolu Zhang, Qianqian Jin, Zhongqiang Cai, Lei Wei, Xiaomei Wang, Yanxin Zheng, Baoyu Huang, Meiwei Zhang, Yitao Qi, Yaqiong Liu, Xiaotong Wang*(通讯作者). CRISPR/Cas9 System-Mediated Gene Editing in the Fujian Oysters (Crassostrea angulate) by Electroporation. (2021). Frontiers in Marine Science. 8: 763470, doi: 10.3389/fmars.2021.763470. (14) Cheng He#, Baolu Zhang#, Lei Wei, Wenchao Yu, Qiuyun Jiang, Xiaona Wang, Wen Guo and Xiaotong Wang⁎(通讯作者). Silicon Dioxide (SiO2) Is the Most Important Component of Spots on the Inner Surface of Mactra veneriformis Shells. Frontiers in Marine Science. 2019, 6:651. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00651. (15) Xiaotong Wang#, Qiye Li#, Jinmin Lian#, Li Li#, Lijun Jin, Huimin Cai, Fei Xu, Haigang Qi, Linlin Zhang, Fucun Wu, Jie Meng, Huayong Que, Xiaodong Fang, Ximing Guo*, and Guofan Zhang*.Genome-wide and single-base resolution DNA methylomes of the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas provide insight into the evolution of invertebrate CpG methylation, BMC Genomics, 2014, 15:1119. doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-1119. (16) Wenchao Yu#, Baolu Zhang#, Hongce Song, Rui Zhan, Lingling Li, Cheng He, Qiuyun Jiang, Xiaona Wang, Lei Wei, Nannan Zhao, Wen Guo, Xiaotong Wang*(通讯作者). Preliminary investigation demonstrating the GHITM gene probably involved in apoptosis and growth of the golden apple snail (Pomacea canaliculata). BMC Genomics, 2020, 21(1), DOI: 10.1186/s12864-019-6434-2. (17) Qian Liu, Fangshu Li, Wenjuan Liu, Baoyu Huang, Lingling Li, Xiaona Wang, Xiuxiu Sang, Juan Dong, Jilv Ma, Jiwen Chen, Lei Wei, Yaqiong Liu, Meiwei Zhang, Yijing Han, Xiaotong Wang*(通讯作者). Transcriptional expression analysis reveals multiple effects of nonylphenol exposure on scallop immune system. (2022). Fish and Shellfish Immunology, 123(2022): 290–297. (18) Juan Dong#, Xiuxiu Sang#, Hongce Song, Rui Zhan, Lei Wei, Yaqiong Liu, Meiwei Zhang, Baoyu Huang*, Xiaotong Wang*(通讯作者). Molecular characterization and functional analysis of a Rel gene in the Pacific oyster. Fish & Shellfish Immunology, 2020, 101: 9-18. (19)Lei Wei#, Qiuyun Jiang#, Zhongqiang Cai, Wenchao Yu, Cheng He, Wen Guo, Xiaotong Wang*(通讯作者). Immune-related molecular and physiological differences between black-shelled and white-shelled Pacific oysters Crassostrea gigas. Fish & Shellfish Immunology. 2019, 92: 64-71. (20)Xiuxiu Sang, Wenjuan Liu, Fangshu Li, Baoyu Huang, Lingling Li, Xiaona Wang, Juan Dong, Jilv Ma, Jiwen Chen, Xiaotong Wang*(通讯作者). Scallop RIG-I-like receptor 1 responses to polyinosinic:polycytidylic acid challenge and its interactions with the mitochondrial antiviral signaling protein. Fish & Shellfish Immunology. 2022, 124(2022): 490–496. (21)Baoyu Huang, YuzhengWu, JilvMa, BaojuYang, Xiuxiu Sang, Jiwen Chen, Wenjuan Liu, Fangshu Li, Lingling Li, Xiaona Wang, Juan Dong, Xiaotong Wang*(通讯作者). The first identified invertebrate LGP2-like homolog gene in the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas. Fish & Shellfish Immunology. 2022, 128: 238-245. 中科院基础版1区. (22) Wenchao Yu#, Cheng He#, Zhongqiang Cai , Fei Xu, Lei Wei , Jun Chen, Qiuyun Jiang, Na Wei , Zhuang Li , Wen Guo and Xiaotong Wang*(通讯作者). A Preliminary Study on the Pattern, the Physiological Bases and the Molecular Mechanism of the Adductor Muscle Scar Pigmentation in Pacific Oyster Crassostrea gigas. Frontiers in Physiology. 2017, 9(8), doi: 10.3389/fphys.2017.00699. (23) Kaidi Jin, Qianqian Jin, Zhongqiang Cai, Baoyu Huang, Lei Wei, Meiwei Zhang, Wen Guo, Yaqiong Liu* and Xiaotong Wang*(通讯作者). Molecular characterization of retinoic acid receptor CgRAR in Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas). Frontiers in Physiology. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2021.666842. (24)Changlu Wu#, Qiuyun Jiang#, Lei Wei, Zhongqiang Cai, Jun Chen, Wenchao Yu, Cheng He, Jiao Wang, Wen Guo and Xiaotong Wang*(通讯作者). A Rhodopsin-Like Gene May Be Associated With the Light-Sensitivity of Adult Pacific Oyster Crassostrea gigas. Frontiers in Physiology. 2018, 9(221), doi: 10.3389/fphys.2018.00221. (25) Jun Chen#, Changlu Wu#, Baolu Zhang, Zhongqiang Cai, Lei Wei, Zhuang Li,Guangbin Li, Ting Guo, Yongchuan Li, Wen Guo and Xiaotong Wang⁎(通讯作者). PiggyBac Transposon-Mediated Transgenesis in the Pacific Oyster (Crassostrea gigas) – First Time in Mollusks. Frontiers in Physiology. 2018, 9(811), doi: 10.3389/fphys.2018.00811 (26) Wang Xiaotong#*(第一兼通讯作者) and Wang Youji (2019) Editorial: Molecular Physiology in Molluscs. Frontiers in Physiology. 10:1131. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2019.01131. (27) Xuekai Zhang, Youji Wang, Xiaotong Wang*(通讯作者). Editorial: Molecular Physiology in Molluscs, Volume II. Frontiers in Physiology. 2022. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2022.929931. (28) X. T. Wang#, C. J. Zhao, J. Y. Li, G. Y. Xu, L. S. Lian, C. X. Wu*, and X. M. Deng*. 2009. Comparison of the total amount of eggshell pigments in Dongxiang brown-shelled eggs and Dongxiang blue-shelled eggs. Poultry Science, 88: 1735-1739. (29) X.-T. Wang#, X.-M. Deng#, C.-J. Zhao, J.-Y. Li, G.-Y. Xu, L.-S. Lian, and C.-X. Wu*. 2007. Study of the Deposition Process of Eggshell Pigments Using an Improved Dissolution Method. Poultry Science. 86(10): 2236-2238. (30) Xi CHEN, Qiuyun JIANG, Hongce SONG, Lingling LI, Chaoyi XIE, Baoyu HUANG, Yaqiong LIU, Meiwei ZHANG, Lei WEI, Xiaotong Wang*(通讯作者). UPLC-MS metabolomics provides insights into the differences between black- and white-shelled Pacific oysters Crassostrea gigas. Journal of Oceanology and Limnology. 2021(39): 340-349. doi.org/10.1007/s00343-020-0117-3. (31) Xiaotong Wang#*(第一兼通讯作者), Wenjie Xu, Lei Wei, Chenglong Zhu, Cheng He, Hongce Song, Zhongqiang Cai, Wenchao Yu, Qiuyun Jiang, Lingling Li, Kun Wang and Chenguang Feng. Nanopore Sequencing and De Novo Assembly of a Black-Shelled Pacific Oyster (Crassostrea gigas) Genome. Frontiers in Genetics. 2019, 10:1211. doi: 10.3389/fgene.2019.01211. (32) Lei Wei#, Fei Xu#, Yuzhi Wang, Zhongqiang Cai, Wenchao Yu, Cheng He, Qiuyun Jiang, Xiqiang Xu, Wen Guo, and Xiaotong Wang*(通讯作者). The Molecular Differentiation of Anatomically Paired Left and Right Mantles of the Pacific Oyster Crassostrea gigas. Marine Biotechnology. 2018, 20 (4):425-435. DOI: 10.1007/s10126-018-9806-8. (33) Xiaotong Wang#, Rui Wang#, Yanfeng Zhang*, Hao Zhang*. Evolutionary survey of druggable protein targets with respect to their subcellular localizations. Genome Biology and Evolution. 2013, 5(7): 1291-1297. (34) Xiaotong Wang#, Li Li#, Yabin Zhu,Yishuai Du,Xiaorui Song, Yuanxin Chen, Ronglian Huang, Huayong Que, Xiaodong Fang and Guofan Zhang*. Oyster shell proteins originate from multiple organs and their probable transport pathway to the shell formation front. PLoS ONE. 2013, 8(6), e66522. (35) Changlu Wu#, Jiao Wang#, Yanjian Yang, Zhuang Li, Ting Guo, Yongchuan Li, Xiaotong Wang*(通讯作者). Adult Pacific Oyster (Crassostrea gigas) May Have Light Sensitivity. PLoS ONE. 2015, 10(10):e0140149. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0140149. (36) Shixin Hao#, Xin Hou#, Lei Wei, Jian Li, Zhonghu Li, Xiaotong Wang*(通讯作者). Extraction and identification of the pigment in the adductor muscle scar of Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas. PLoS ONE. 2015, 10(11): e0142439. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0142439. (37) Xiaotong Wang#, Li Li#, Yabing Zhu,Xiaorui Song, Xiaodong Fang, RonglianHuang, Huayong Que & Guofan Zhang*. Aragonite shells are more ancient than calcite ones in bivalves: new evidence based on omics. Molecular Biology Reports. 2014, 41(11):7067-71. (38) XT Wang#, Zhang YF#, Wu Q and Zhang H*. 2012. Evolutionary landscape of amphibians emerging from ancient freshwater fish inferred from complete mitochondrial genomes. Biochemical and biophysical research communications. 421(2): 228–231. (39) Xiaotong Wang#, Li Li#, Fei Xu, Guofan Zhang*. 2011. Tropomyosin is a nice marker gene for phylogenetic analysis of molluscs. Molecular biology reports. 38(7): 4589-4593. (40) X.-T. Wang#, J.-R. Bai, C.-J. Zhao, H. Zhang, H.-G. Bao, G.-Y. Xu, J.-Y. Li, L.-S. Lian, C.-X. Wu, X.-M. Deng*. 2010. Localization of the genomic sequence interval for blue eggshell gene using an F2 resource population of Dongxiang Chicken. British Poultry Science. 51: 507-509. (41) X.-T. Wang#, H. Zhang#, C.-J. Zhao, J.-Y. Li, G.-Y. Xu, L.-S. Lian, C.-X. Wu, X.-M. Deng*. 2009. Cloning of Chicken Microsomal Glutathione S-transferase 1 Gene (MGST1) and Identification of Its Different Splice Variants. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences. 22(2): 155-161. (42) Qiuyun Jiang#, Lei Wei#, Chaowei Gai, Wenchao Yu, Cheng He, Man Chen, Zhen Zhang, Hongce Song, Xiaona Wang, and Xiaotong Wang⁎(通讯作者). An improved extraction method reveals varied DNA content in different parts of the shells of Pacific oysters. Aquatic Living Resources.2019, 32, 5, 1-7. (43) X.T. Wang#, C.J. Zhao, J.Y. Li, G.Y. Xu, L.S. Lian, C.X. Wu and X.M. Deng*. 2010. Heme oxygenase-1 is important to the formation of eggshell biliverdin in chicken. Journal of Applied Animal Research. 38(2), 229-232. (44) Xiaotong Wang#*(第一兼通讯作者), Ting Liu, Yongshan Liu, Peiyong Feng, 2014. An arithmetic index based on shell height, length and width for potential selection of soft-body wet weight in Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas. The Israeli Journal of Aquaculture - Bamidgeh, 2014, MS IJA_66.2014.1067. (45) Xiaotong Wang#, Li Li#, Fei Xu, Guofan Zhang*. 2011. Genomic DNA Extraction from in vivo Sampled Tissue of Pacific Oyster, Crassostrea gigas. The Israeli Journal of Aquaculture-Bamidgeh. IIC: 63.2011.671. (46) Xiaotong Wang#*, Xiaorui Song, Li Li, and Guofan Zhang*. 2012. An improved method of DNA extraction from the shell of the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas. The Israeli Journal of Aquaculture-Bamidgeh. IJA_64.2012.800. (47) Zhuang Li#, Lei Wei#, Zhongqiang Cai, Jiarong Li, Man Chen, Guangbin Li, Chaowei Gai, Wen Guo, and Xiaotong Wang*(通讯作者). Novel Device and Method for Fast Water Change in the Hatchery Culture of Pacific Oyster Larvae. Philippine Agricultural Scientist.2018, 101(3): 278-282. (48) Li XX#, Yu WC#, Cai ZQ, He C, Wei N, Wang XT*(通讯作者), Yue XQ*. Molecular Cloning and Characterization of Full-Length cDNA of Calmodulin Gene from Pacific Oyster Crassostrea gigas. BioMed Research International. 2016: 5986519. (49) Wang, Xiaotong#,Li, Li,Zhang, Guofan*. The dna replication and repair pathway of pacific oyster, crassostrea gigas. Journal of Shellfish Research, 30: 561-561. (50) Xiaorui Song#, Xiaotong Wang#(共同第一作者), Li Li, Guofan Zhang*. Identification two novel nacrein-like proteins involved in the shell formation of the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas. Molecular Biology Reports, 2014, 41(7):4273-8. (2013 IF: 2.506) (51) Hao Zhang#, Xiaotong Wang#(共同第一作者), Yangzom Chamba, Yao Ling, Changxin Wu*. 2008. Influences of Hypoxia on Hatching Performance in Chickens with Different Genetic Adaptation to High Altitude. Poultry Science. 87: 2112-2116. (52) Zhang Q#, Gou W#, Wang X#(共同第一作者), Zhang Y, Ma J, Zhang H, Zhang Y, Zhang H*. Genome Resequencing Identifies Unique Adaptations of Tibetan Chickens to Hypoxia and High-Dose Ultraviolet Radiation in High-Altitude Environments. Genome Biology Evolution. 2016, 8(3):765-76. doi: 10.1093/gbe/evw032. (53) Fei Xu, Xiaotong Wang, Yue Feng, Wen Huang, Wei Wang, Li Li, Xiaodong Fang, Huayong Que, Guofan Zhang*. 2014. Identification of Conserved and Novel MicroRNAs in the Pacific Oyster Crassostrea gigas by Deep Sequencing.PLoS ONE. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0104371. (54) Z.P. Wang, X.T. Wang, R.F Liu, J.Y. Li and X.M. Deng*, 2010. Refined Localization of the O Gene for Blue Egg Phenotype on Chicken Chromosome 1. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, 9: 2947-2950. (55) Z.P. Wang, X.T. Wang, R.F. Liu, A.R. Wang, J.Y. Li and X.M. Deng*, 2011. Discover of a Novel SNP Highly Associated with Chicken Blue Egg. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, 10: 92-95. (56) B. Yu, X.T. Wang, H.W. Li, C.J. Zhao, C.X. Wu and X.M. Deng*. 2011. Structural analysis of a 4414-bp element in Drosophila melanogaster. Genetics and Molecular Research 10(2): 717-730. (57) Linlin Zhang, Li Li, Fei Xu, Haigang Qi, Xiaotong Wang, Huayong Que & Guofan Zhang*. 2012. Fosmid library construction and end sequences analysis of the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas. Molluscan Research. 33(1): 65-73. (58) Zhang G F*, Guo X M, Li L, Xu F, Wang X T, Qi H G, Zhang L L, Que H Y, Wu H G, Wang S H, Hedgecock D, Gaffney P M, Luo R B, Fang X D, Wang J. 2011. The oyster genome project: an update on assembly and annotation. Journal of Shellfish Research, 30: 567-567. (59) Yong-Kian Lim, Khan Cheung, Xin Dang, Steven B Roberts, Xiaotong Wang, Vengatesen Thiyagarajan. DNA methylation changes in response to ocean acidification at the time of larval metamorphosis in the edible oyster, Crassostrea hongkongensis. Marine Environmental Research, 163: 105217. doi: 10.1016/j.marenvres.2020.105217. (60) Zhepeng Wang#, Lujiang Qu#, Junfeng Yao#, Xiaolin Yang, Guangqi Li, Yuanyuan Zhang, Junying Li, Xiaotong Wang, Jirong Bai, Guiyun Xu, Xuemei Deng*, Ning Yang*, and Changxin Wu. An EAV-HP Insertion in 5' Flanking Region of SLCO1B3 Causes Blue Eggshell in the Chicken. PLoS Genetics. 2013, 9(1): e1003183. (61) Jianfei Chen, Guoying Hua, Deping Han, Xiaotong Zheng, Xianggui Dong, Shuxiang Wang, Junjiang Long, Zhonghua Zheng, Ailing Wang, Jiankui Wang, Xiaotong Wang and Xuemei Deng. An EAV-HP insertion in the promoter region of SLCO1B3 has pleiotropic effects on chicken liver metabolism based on the transcriptome and proteome analysis. 2021. Scientific Reports.11:7571, doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-87054-9. (62) Xu Chen, Yuanyuan Qin, Zhenzhen Zhang, Zhengcao Xing, Qiqi Wang, Wenbin Lu, Hong Yuan, Congcong Du, Xinyi Yang, Yajie Shen, Biying Zhao, Huanjie Shao, Xiaotong Wang, Hongmei Wu and Yitao Qi. Hyper-SUMOylation of ERG Is Essential for the Progression of Acute Myeloid Leukemia. 2021. Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences. 2021, 8: 652284. doi: 10.3389/fmolb.2021.652284. (63) Congcong Du, Xu Chen, Qi Su, Wenbin Lu, Qiqi Wang, Hong Yuan, Zhenzhen Zhang, Xiaotong Wang, Hongmei Wu, and Yitao Qi. The Function of SUMOylation and Its Critical Roles in Cardiovascular Diseases and Potential Clinical Implications. (2021). International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 22(19):10618. DOI: 10.3390/ijms221910618. (64)王晓通, 连林生, 赵春江, 邓学梅*, 吴常信. 非变性聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳中与杂合子相伴产生的非目的条带的鉴定.农业生物技术学报. 2010, 18(3): 616-622. (65)王晓通,娄义洲. 武定鸡绿壳蛋系蛋壳色素的研究. 中国家禽. 2006, 28(14): 14-16. (66)徐彩丽,许飞,王娇,武长路,于文超,王晓通*(通讯作者). 牡蛎幼虫光照实验提示了复杂遗传背景下基因互作的多样性. 海洋与湖沼. 2015, 46(3):571-576. (67)于文超#,何成#,武长路,王娇,李壮,郭婷,李永川,王晓通*(通讯作者). 长牡蛎贝壳与外套膜中黑色素的提取和鉴定. 海洋与湖沼. 2015, 46(4):909-914. (68)何成#,于文超#,蔡忠强,魏磊,陈军,李佳荣,盖超伟,李壮,张子豪,郭文,王晓通*(通讯作者). 酸碱粗提配合超声破碎法制取可溶性长牡蛎(Crassostrea gigas)黑色素的研究. 海洋与湖沼. 2017,48(3):635-640. (69)郝世鑫#,侯鑫,孙东方,于文超,何成,王晓通*(通讯作者). 紫贻贝贝壳和脉红螺厣中色素的提取与鉴定. 海洋科学. 2015, 39(11):49-53. (70)何成#,于文超#,蔡忠强,魏磊,陈军,李佳荣,盖超伟,姜秋云,孙杰,王晓安,郭文,王晓通*(通讯作者). 长牡蛎可溶性黑色素的脱盐研究. 海洋科学. 2017, 41(11):97-101. (71)姜秋云,魏磊,王晓娜,陈曼,张镇,孙同振,于文超,何成,宋宏策,李玲玲,王晓通*(通讯作者). 双酚 A 暴露对不同黑色素含量长牡蛎的影响研究. 海洋通报. 2019, 38(3):319-326.DOI:10.11840/j.issn.1001-6392.2019.03.011 (72)宋宏策, 姜秋云, 李玲玲, 战蕊, 魏磊*, 王晓通*(通讯作者)。不同长牡蛎群体对海水酸化的生理响应差异分析. 海洋科学,2020,1(44):132-141.DOI: 10.11759/hykx20190711002. (73)杨佳敏, 王勇, 王晓通*(通讯作者), 包永波*。长牡蛎MITF基因表达及与壳色的关联. 水产学报, 2020, 44(5): 1−9. doi:10.11964/jfc.20190611829. (74)李玲玲, 谢超伊, 宋宏策, 陈熙, 刘文娟, 黄宝玉, 张美溦, 刘雅琼, 魏磊, 王晓通*(通讯作者)。长牡蛎(Crassostrea giga)黑色壳表面微生物多样性的研究。海洋与湖沼. 2021. (75)李迈,唐菊艳,蔡帅,袁孟强,魏磊,刘雅琼,黄宝玉,韩怡静,王晓娜,蔡忠强,张美溦,王晓通*(通讯作者). 长牡蛎贝壳不同部位的几丁质提取及鉴定. 海洋通报. 已接受. (76)胡乐彬,范妮妮,蔡帅,王晓梅,郑言鑫,魏磊,黄宝玉,刘雅琼,韩怡静,王晓娜,孙宗哲,张美溦,王晓通*(通讯作者). 长牡蛎贝壳损伤后的再固着能力初探. 海洋通报. 已接受. 2. 著作与软件著作权 (1)主编英文著作,《具有经济与生态重要性贝类的分子生理学研究》(Molecular Physiology in Molluscs of Economic or Ecological Importance),2019,书号:ISBN 978-2-88963-135-3。 (2)主编英文著作,《贝类分子生理学,第二卷》(MOLECULAR PHYSIOLOGY IN MOLLUSCS, VOLUME II),2022,书号:ISBN 978-2-88976-546-1。 (3) Genbank文件格式加工程序. 软件著作权. 鲁东大学、王晓通、董昊阳、魏磊、黄宝玉、张美溦、刘雅琼、韩怡静。 3. 专利 (1) 王晓通,宋宏策,魏磊,田德阳,陈熙,谢超依,陈晓,王晓娜,黄宝玉,刘雅琼,张美溦,韩怡静. 一种实时记录双壳贝类开闭壳活动的装置及方法. 专利号:ZL202111291348,发明专利,已授权(2021-11-02)。 (2) 王晓通, 刘永山, 姜德凯, 冯培勇, 刘婷, 公成旭, 杜立超。一种长牡蛎软体部湿重的评估方法,专利号:ZL201410001732.2,发明专利,已授权(2015-08-05)。 (3) 王晓通, 于文超, 赵南南, 张子豪, 王娇, 武长路. 一种软体部高黑色素含量长牡蛎的选育方法,专利号:ZL201410680301.3,发明专利,已授权(2016-07-13)。 (4) 王晓通, 李壮, 李光彬, 李佳荣, 郭婷, 李永川. 一种贝类幼苗快速倒池方法及其专用新式换水装置. 专利号:ZL201510940031.X,发明专利,已授权(2018-03-27)。 (5) 王晓通, 于文超, 何成, 魏磊, 陈军, 房燕, 李佳荣, 魏娜. 一种具有高软体部干重长牡蛎的选育方法. 专利号:ZL201610568910.9,发明专利,已授权(2018-11-20)。 (6) 魏磊,王晓通,李玲玲,宋宏策,战蕊。一种使牡蛎快速开壳的溶液及方法,专利号:ZL201910652467.7,发明专利,已授权(2021-04-30)。 (7) 魏磊,王晓通,宋宏策,姜秋云,战蕊。一种通过贝壳灰度值分析长牡蛎免疫能力强弱的方法,专利号:ZL201810695506.7,发明专利,已授权(2021-05-25)。 (8) 王晓通, 武长路, 王娇, 张子豪, 杨延舰, 李壮, 李永川, 于文超, 赵南南. 贝类幼虫选滤器,专利号:ZL201420769547.3,已授权(2015-04-29). (9) 王晓通, 武长路, 王娇, 于文超, 赵南南, 张子豪. 一种水产养殖池可控性底部换水器,ZL201520040861.2,已授权(2015-06-24). (10) 王晓通, 于文超, 李壮, 郭婷, 李永川, 赵南南. 一种水产养殖池可照明吸底器,ZL201520387418.2,已授权(2015-09-30)。 (11)王晓通, 王娇, 武长路, 于文超, 赵南南, 张子豪. 一种贝类幼虫过滤袋,专利号:ZL201420652321.5,已授权(2015-03-04). (12) 王晓通,武长路,王娇,于文超,杨延舰,李壮,李永川,郭婷,李佳荣. 微藻室外培养防护桶盖,ZL201420652261.7,已授权(2015-02-18). (13)王晓通,王娇, 武长路, 李壮, 郭婷, 李永川, 杨延舰. 一种水产养殖池清洁刷,ZL201520133432.X,已授权(2015-07-29)。 4. 标准制定 (1) 2020年,山东省地方标准-地理标志产品乳山牡蛎(DB37/T 3928—2020),主要起草人:谭林涛、张国范、王晓通、刘丽娟、吴富村、王津果、徐雯雯、王航宁、于成松、宋建威、刘缵言、刘心田。 5. 主持或参与的课题 (1) 国家自然科学基金面上项目,“长牡蛎闭壳肌痕黑色素着色的分子生物学机制”,资助编号42076088,起2021.01-2024.12止,主持。 (2) 国家自然科学基金面上项目,“视黄酸与长牡蛎黑色素生成的关系研究”,资助编号41876193,起2019.01-2022.12止,主持。 (3) 国家自然科学基金青年项目,“海洋酸化影响长牡蛎左壳附着的生物矿化机制”,资助编号31302181,起2014.01-2016.12止,主持。 (4) 国家重点研发计划“重要养殖贝类种质创制与规模化制种”,子课题,资助编号2018YFD0901400,起2018.12-2022.12止,主持。 (5) 国家自然科学基金重大研究计划“微进化过程的多基因作用机制”,子课题,资助编号91331118,起2014.01-2016.12止,主持。 (6) 山东省贝类产业技术体系育种岗位专家,资助编号SDAIT-14-03,起2021.06-2025.12止,主持。 (7) 山东省现代农业产业技术体系贝类育种岗位专家,资助编号SDAIT-14-03,起2016.04-2020.12止,主持。 (8) 山东省重点研发计划项目,“生长速度快、保健价值高黑壳长牡蛎的选育与示范推广”,资助编号2018GHY115027,起2018.01-2019.12止,主持。 (9) 山东省重点研发计划项目,“长牡蛎黑色素保健功效的验证”,资助编号2015GSF115013,起2015.10-2018.10止,主持。 (10) 山东省自然科学基金面上项目,“长牡蛎黑色素形成的甲基化调控机制研究”,资助编号ZR2019MC002,起2019.7-2022.6止,主持。 (11) 山东省自然科学基金面上项目,“长牡蛎PB转座子基因敲除系统的建立”,资助编号ZR2013CM026,起2013.10-2016.10止,主持。 (12) 海洋工程标准化建设项目,海洋生物资源开发利用标准研究及2项团体标准研制,资助编号CCSOA-OEAS-2018-22,,起2018.11-2019.12止,主持。 (13) 水产生物种质资源收集保护与精准鉴定,山东省农业良种工程项目, 资助编号2019LZGC020,起2019.08-2022.08止,60万元,子课题主持人。 (14)海洋贝类特色经济性状的开发利用创新团队,长牡蛎外泌体参与黑色素生成的分子机制研究山东省高等学校“青创科技计划”,资助编号2019KJF004,起2020.01-2022.12止,20万元,主持。 (15) 863项目“海水种子工程”子课题,资助编号2010AA10A401,起2010.01-2010.12止,主持。 (16) 中国博士后科学基金,“海湾扇贝近交衰退相关基因的研究”,资助编号20090451358,起2009.10-2011.10止,主持。 (17) 烟台市科技发展计划,“乌”牡蛎的选育,资助编号2013ZZ357,起2013.1-2015.12止,主持。 (18)烟台市重点研发计划,2017ZH054,黑壳长牡蛎优良性状的聚合选育与示范推广,2017/11-2019/11,主持。 (19) 山东半岛蓝色经济区人才发展项目(2014年度),起2013.06-2016.06止,主持。 (20) 横向课题,“重要农业动物转化生物学研究”,资助编号2013HX007,起2013.03-2016.03止,主持。 (21) 鲁东大学科学启动基金,“基于PB转座子构建转基因牡蛎的研究”,资助编号LY2013032,起2013.06-2016.06止,主持。 (22) 长岛科技局委托项目,“黑牡蛎新品种培育”,主持。 (23) 横向课题,“黑牡蛎育苗与养殖技术指导”,主持。 (24) 国家重点基础研究发展规划(973项目),“养殖贝类重要经济性状的分子解析及设计育种研究”,资助编号2010CB126400,2010.01-2014.12止,学术骨干,已结题。 (25) 2019年山东省一流本科课程,《普通动物学》,团队成员(闫冬春,杨建敏,王晓通,陈军,房燕)。 6. 荣誉与奖励 (1) 2020年,获评国家“万人计划”青年拔尖人才。 (2) 2018年,入选泰山学者青年专家。 (3) 2018年,被授予山东省有突出贡献的中青年专家称号。 (4) 2017年,山东省青年科技奖,贝类生物学与遗传育种,首位。 (5) 2022年,国家级金桥奖,首位。 (6) 2021年,中国产学研合作创新奖,证件编号20213162,首位。 (7) 2021年,中国水产科学研究院科学技术奖,贝藻新种质创制及浅海生态养殖技术研发与示范,二等奖,第三位。 (8) 2016年,山东省自然科学学术创新奖,长牡蛎单碱基精度甲基化图谱的构建及其生物学意义解析,首位。 (9) 2017年,山东省海洋与渔业科学技术奖,贝壳生物学、生理学与育种实践,首位。 (10) 2020年,山东省高校科学技术奖,长牡蛎典型性状的生理与分子解析,首位。 (11) 2017年,山东省大学生科技创新大赛,一等奖,“乌蛎宝”新型黑色素产品的设计与研发,指导教师,首位。 (12) 2018年,山东省研究生优秀科技创新成果奖,长牡蛎黑色素提取鉴定及生成机制的生理基础与分子模式的研究,指导教师,第二位。 (13) 2020年,山东省研究生优秀科技创新成果奖,长牡蛎经济性状相关功能基因的挖掘,指导教师,首位。 (14)2015,挑战杯山东省金奖,钾离子通道在长牡蛎幼虫附着过程中的功能研究,指导教师,首位。 (15) 2019年,全国大学生水产技能大赛,二等奖,指导教师,首位。 (16) 2015年,烟台市第十四届自然科学优秀学术论文一等奖,首位。 (17) 2013年,获吴常信动物遗传育种研究成果奖,第四位。 (18) 2014年,“创青春”大学生创业大赛山东省铜奖,指导教师,首位。 (19) 2014年,乌牡蛎的选育,国家级大学生创新创业训练计划,指导教师,首位。 (20) 2015年,转基因牡蛎的创制与鉴定,国家级大学生创新创业训练计划,指导教师,首位。 (19) 2015年,成体长牡蛎具有光感的初步证据,国家级大学生创新创业训练计划,指导教师,首位。 (20) 2014年、2015年,鲁东大学优秀学士论文,指导教师,首位。 (21) 2015年,第六届“调研山东”大学生社会调查活动,优秀指导教师,首位。 (22) 2015年,烟台市芝罘区“百硕联百企,百计解百忧”工程优秀志愿者,首位。