博士:2007.9-2010.7 中国科学院海洋研究所 海洋生态学专业
硕士:2004.9-2007.7 中国海洋大学 海洋生物学专业
本科:2000.9-2004.7 山东农业大学 生物技术专业
2015.1-今 鲁东大学农学院 水产系
2010.8-2014,.12 山东省海洋资源与环境研究院 渔业资源研究中心
[1]2021.01-2024.12 国家自然科学基金面上项目“环境孕激素对四角蛤蜊的生殖毒性效应及机制(42076137)” 58万元;
[2]2019.11-2022.12 国家重点研发计划“蓝色粮仓科技创新”专项“黄渤海现代化海洋牧场构建与立体开发模式示范(2019YFD0902102)”子任务资源养护效果评估技术示范 24.3万元;
[3]2019.11-2022.12国家重点研发计划“蓝色粮仓科技创新”专项“滩涂增养殖技术与生态农牧化新模式(2019YFD0900700)”子任务滩涂贝类新品种(品系)的选择(选育)及本地化苗种繁育 28万元;
[4]2019.1-2021.12 烟台市重点研发计划“基于生物标志物的海洋牧场生态环境评价技术构建与示范(2019XDHZ097)” 20万元;
[5]2013.1-2015.12 国家自然科学基金青年项目“四角蛤蜊对典型PBDEs 胁迫的分子响应机制(41206120)” 25万元;
[6]2011.1-2013.12 烟台市科技发展项目“基于生物标志物的莱州湾污染综合评价技术研究(2011062)” 10万元。
[7] 2022.6-2023.6 专利转化项目“利用四角蛤蜊基因检测海洋污染物的技术”10万元
[1] Xiaoran Zhao, Qing Wang, Xiangfei Li, Hua Xu, Chuanbo Ren, Yanyan Yang, Shuhao Xu, Guoxing Wei, Yujun Duan, Zhitao Tan, Yan Fang*. Norgestrel causes digestive gland injury in the clam Mactra veneriformis: An integrated histological, transcriptomics, and metabolomics study. Science of the total environment, 2023, 871: 162110.
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[5]Zhu Na, Yang Yanyan, Xu Hua,Wang Qing, Wei Yanyan, Li Mingzhu, Li Fan, Wang Yiqi, Zhang Huawei, Liu Yihao, Wang Xiaoming, Fang Yan*. Bioaccumulation of decabromodiphenyl ether affects the antioxidant system in the clam Mactra veneriformis. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology, 2019, 68: 19-26.
[6] Dong Shihang, Yang Yanyan, Cheng Bo, Ren Chuanbo, Zhang Huawei, Xu Hua, Zhu Na, Wang Wansheng, Dang Yongjian, Li Mingzhu, Chen Jun, Wang Kai, Zhang Libin, Fang Yan*. Responses of antioxidant defenses in the clam Mactra veneriformis to 2,2′,4,4′‑tetrabromodiphenyl ether exposure. Comparative Biochemistry Physiology Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology, 2019, 217: 98-105.
[7] Shi Pengju, Dong Shihang, Zhang Huanjun, Wang Peiliang, Niu Zhuang, Fang Yan*. Transcriptome profiling analysis of Mactra veneriformis by deep sequencing after exposure to 2,2′,4,4′-tetrabromodiphenyl ether. Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 2018, 36(2): 490-507.
[8] Yan Fang, Hongsheng Yang, Baozhong Liu, Libin Zhang. Transcriptional response of lysozyme, metallothionein, and superoxide dismutase to combined exposure to heavy metals and bacteria in Mactra veneriformis. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology-Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology, 2013, 157: 54-62.
[9] Yan Fang, Hongsheng Yang, Baozhong Liu. Tissue-specific response of metallothionein and superoxide dismutase in the clam Mactra veneriformis under sublethal mercury exposure. Ecotoxicology (IF=3.29), 2012, 21: 1593-1602.
[10] Yan Fang, Hongsheng Yang, Tianming Wang, Baozhong Liu, Heling Zhao, Muyan Chen. Metallothionein and superoxide dismutase responses to sublethal cadmium exposure in the clam Mactra veneriformis. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology-Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology (IF=2.96), 2010, 151, 325-333.
[11] Yan Fang, Zhenbo Lv, Huanjun Zhang, Fan Li, Bingqing Xu. Seasonal Variation of Nutrients and Environmental Impact Factors in Sanggou Bay. Applied Mechanics and Materials , 2012, 137: 328-334.
[12] Fang Yan, Wang Yuhong, Liu Yihao, Xu Hua, Lv Zhenbo. Feature of phytoplankton community and canonical correlation analysis with environmental factors in Xiaoqing River estuary in autumn. Procedia Engineering, 2012, 37: 19-24.
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